Soil & Plant Health

Trumarvel is a:
Carbon based soil amendment
Balanced blend of high-grade nutrients
Package of organic enzymes
Promoter of growth and activity of microorganisms
Stimulator of early plant development
Provider of more efficient water and nutrient uptake
Resource for more effective photosynthesis
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"Strongest results I have record of. My acreage I treated with trumarvel gave me significantly higher yield, better grain, and less disease. My fields get cereal leaf beetle every year. This field this year was the first time any of my fields haven't had any cereal leaf beetle".
Successful Family in Idaho

"The treated area started out showing 56 Meloidogyn nematodes and 120 Paratrichodorus nematodes. We treated during pre-irrigation, and monthly during the growing season, using trumarvel soil microbes. At the end of the season I pulled another sample to be analyzed and it came back reading 0 Meloidogyne or Paratrichodorus nematodes found".
Head of Field Operations for large CA grower.